First Female ‘Yachtsman’ – Tracy Edwards &’Maiden’ Go ‘Round the World

“I learned that we are all capable of so much more than we think we are, until we push ourselves. We all have these reserves that I don’t think we use anymore…Keep looking for those parts of yourself that you have ignored.” Tracy Edwards Are you going boating this summer? Listen to this fascinating interview… Continue reading First Female ‘Yachtsman’ – Tracy Edwards &’Maiden’ Go ‘Round the World

“Ecosystem of Social Good” – Rachel Hutchisson, Blackbaud

“This idea of ‘voice and choice’ is, ask me what I think and then listen to what I have to say and then give me a choice as to how I can participate. Don’t forget that I’m an individual…That’s a really big trend.”
Rachel Hutchisson on Green Connections Radio
Do you volunteer at a nonprofit, or donate to one? Does your employer even know what causes align with you?  More and more employers are realizing that it’s important to offer ways their employees can give back. Listen to Rachel Hutchisson of Blackbaud describe how to create “an ecosystem of social good” for employees tailored to your team, in this enlightening interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

Flint Residents Wins Water Funding! – Lee-Anne Walters, Flint Water Crisis Organizer

“It worked really well with everyone concentrating on their area of strength.” Lee-Anne Walters What would you do if your water came out of the tap brown? As we congratulate Flint, Michigan residents for winning a big settlement recently for the lead contamination of their water supply, finally, after years of fighting for it. Listen… Continue reading Flint Residents Wins Water Funding! – Lee-Anne Walters, Flint Water Crisis Organizer

Is Your Office Covid-Safe? – Rachel Gutter, Int’l Well Building Institute

“Employers need to be providing re-onboarding to every employee and for that matter for even every guest that comes into the building, because… comes down to each and every individual and their commitment to these new protocols and policies.” As we prepare to return to our offices, schools, coworking spaces, and houses of worship, while… Continue reading Is Your Office Covid-Safe? – Rachel Gutter, Int’l Well Building Institute

How to Talk Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

“The part in this that is so important is the relationship building component, and that part takes time… (it) is the glue that brings cohesion across the issues and it enables a different form of listening and a different openness, in my view, that includes openness to hearing the science….. Science is the strongest tool… Continue reading How to Talk Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

Nature As A Decision-Making Model – Tabitha Jayne Coaching With Nature

“What’s happening on a physiological level is that the more time we spend in the natural world…paying attention to the natural world around us, it’s actually switching off parts of our brain associated with the fear, stress…and helping us access creativity, intuition, our capacity for innovation, to make better decisions.” Tabitha Jayne Could combining looking… Continue reading Nature As A Decision-Making Model – Tabitha Jayne Coaching With Nature

Rainforest Skincare Entrepreneur – Valeria Cole, Teadoro, formerly at Apple

“If you want to run a successful manufacturing business, you have to understand the supply chain all the way through.” Valeria Cole on Green Connections Radio Many people leave a large company to be an entrepreneur. Not many completely change industries like Valeria Cole did, when she decided to bring her Brazilian upbringing on natural… Continue reading Rainforest Skincare Entrepreneur – Valeria Cole, Teadoro, formerly at Apple

Practical Advice on Building a Sustainable Organization

Based on her experience working with Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, Nathalie Udo shares her practical insights into taking a large company from awareness that they need to be more eco-friendly to action steps on how to do it. These include insights she wrote about in her book “Organizational Survival” co-authored with  Gregory Balestrero. You’ll… Continue reading Practical Advice on Building a Sustainable Organization

SXSW Eco – Super Corp. Sustainability Tips from CSO’s

What a powerful discussion! You’ll definitely want to take notes on this one. Joan Michelson moderated a panel of veteran leaders in corporate sustainability at SXSW Eco (2016), unearthing great tips and insights that you can use right away. Panelists are: MGM Resorts SVP/Chief Sustainability Officer Cindy Ortega Advanced Micro Devices Sr. Director Tim Mohin… Continue reading SXSW Eco – Super Corp. Sustainability Tips from CSO’s

Movies Made Sustainably – Emellie O’Brien, Earth Angel

Think about your favorite movies this Oscar season… Now think about what it took to produce it: energy for lighting, water and food for the crew, paper for the scripts, wood and other materials for the sets, cars and vans to transport people, maybe cars and buildings that get blown up…. All of that produces… Continue reading Movies Made Sustainably – Emellie O’Brien, Earth Angel