Disruptive Innovation in Energy – Jennifer Gerbi, ARPA-E

“There’s this amazing thing that we think should happen, which is right now physically impossible. That’s fine. Let’s talk about that. Let’s dig down to the technical gap that needs to be filled to enable that new disruptive pathway to start.” To truly address climate change, we need to pivot to a zero-carbon economy, and… Continue reading Disruptive Innovation in Energy – Jennifer Gerbi, ARPA-E

Cleaning Industrial Water – Karen Sorber, Micronic Technologies

Our brains are 73% water and our bodies are 60% water, so we literally cannot live without it. But most community water systems suffer from industrial pollution. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Listen to Karen Sorber, Cofounder/CEO of Micronic Technologies describe their innovative chemical-free system for cleaning wastewater on this Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

How The Paris Climate Accord Can Create US Jobs – Tracy Raczek, Frmr UN Climate Advisor

“I truly, truly think that the green economy is an opportunity…When you look at greening infrastructure…truly transitioning our entire economy, you have incredible job opportunity…(including) for our business to be thinking ahead.” Tracy Raczek on Green Connections Radio podcast. A mere hours after being sworn in as president, President Joe Biden immediately rejoined the Paris Climate Accord with the stroke of his pen. Tracy Raczek, former Climate Advisor to the UN Secretary General, believes signing the Accord can be a job-creator in the U.S. Listen to Tracy explain why and much more in this fascinating interview on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Woman With The Most Patents – Lisa DeLuca, IBM

“All great ideas stem from a really good problem. There’s problems all around us….The really good problems are the ones you’re hearing about consistently….and hearing those problems and starting to think about, ‘how can I solve this in a way that nobody else has thought of before?’ or, we can take it a step further. That’s where the great ideas come from.” Lisa DeLuca on Green Connections Radio podcast. We hear about people coming up with great new businesses or products or technologies all the time, but we don’t often find out how they did so.  Today you will. Listen to IBM’s most prolific female inventor, Lisa DeLuca, with about 500 patents already and 250 more pending.  Lisa talks about where she gets her ideas, what happens to them, hos she decides which ones to file patents on and more in this truly engaging and entertaining interview with Joan Michelson on Green Connections Radio podcast.

Making Women Extraordinary Leaders  – Coco Brown, A Top 100 Woman in Silicon Valley, CEO of Athena Alliance

“It’s time (for women) to pick our heads up and look around the executive realm and really think broadly about how big our impact can be…Don’t underestimate your value.”  Coco Brown on Green Connections Radio podcast
The economy is in the midst of a massive global shift when the old ways of doing business are giving way to new paradigms – in every sense from managing supply chains to marketing to employee relations, to financial reporting – to a focus more on sustainable business aligned with ESG factors (environment, social and governance). As a result, leadership is changing and it’s becoming more and more apparent every day that the way women tend to lead is more effective and drives stronger performance across all those metrics. Listen to this fascinating interview with Coco Brown, ranked one of the top 100 women in Silicon Valley and Founder/CEO of the Athena Alliance, to find out what the new paradigm of leadership is and how women are uniquely suited to it.

Getting Women on Boards – Jocelyn Mangan, Him For Her

“It’s a network gap…Every board has its own ecosystem.” Jocelyn Mangan on Green Connections Radio podcastWomen still make up only 26.1% of corporate boards, despite clear evidence that companies with more women on the board perform better on all metrics, including financially. So, if you want to figure out how to grab one of those coveted seats, it’s important to get prepared, network, especially with men and make it known. Listen to this fascinating interview with Jocelyn Mangan to find out how.

Fuel Cell Cars & Trucks – Jackie Birdsall, Toyota

Many voices are talking about how we need to rebuild the post-pandemic economy to also make us more resilient to the ravages of climate change.  Ramping up adoption of electric vehicles is always in those conversations, especially battery-powered ones. But not there are hydrogen fuel cell EVs too. Listen to Jackie Birdsall, Senior Engineer of these vehicles at Toyota explain how they work and much more, with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

Return on Impact & Changing Careers  – Joni Carswell, CEO, Texan By Nature

“We say data-based because as you work with both the science community and the business community, the best way to bring those communities to the table is to talk to them in their own language. To talk in terms of return, to talk in terms total impact.” Joni Carswell on Green Connections Radio podcast. Scientists are saying the coronavirus may have come from the destruction of the natural habitats of wild animals due to development, deforestation or climate change – and that there are more infectious diseases in likely our future as a result. What can we do about it besides keep “social distancing” and protect ourselves and other people? Listen to Joni Carswell, CEO of a nonprofit founded by Former First Lady Laura Bush called Texan By Nature, describe their creative data-based approach to conservation and how they are bringing the business community into habitat, water and prairie restoration, to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson is this podcast interview. Carswell is decidedly not your typical nonprofit CEO either…..

High Achievers, Grit & Talent – Angela Duckworth, Author of “Grit” & TED Talk Star

“Race your strengths and train your weaknesses” to accomplish your goals, Angela Duckworth on Green Connections Radio. Listen to best-selling author of “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” Angela Duckworth, Ph.D. in this inspiring conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson about grit, talent, strengths, weaknesses and strategies to achieve your goals. Duckworth’s TED Talk has nearly 20 million views!

Air & Space Museum Director – Ellen Stofan, Head of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

“Think about who you’re going to be and what you’re going to contribute.”Ellen Stofan on Green Connections Radio. When Ellen Stofan stepped off the management track to stay home with her kids and work part-time, she accepted that she was probably derailing her career.  She kept a few toes in the game over the 12 year period, working part-time doing a few interesting research projects that she could do on her own time.Today, she finds herself the new Director of the famed Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC — the most visited museum in the United States — and spearheading its ~$1 billion transformation, as the first woman in this prestigious role. Wait, really? Listen to this fascinating conversation Dr. Stofan had with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.