Integrating Purpose in Orgs. – Beth Colleton, Frmr SVP CSO, NBCUniversal and NFL

NBC UNIVERSAL EXECUTIVES -- Pictured: Elizabeth Colleton, Vice President, Green is Universal -- NBC Universal Photo: Dan Nelkin.

“You’ve got to walk the halls and really understand how they run the business, where their pressure points are and what they think their challenges are….walk in their shoes….It’s not what you’re selling, it’s what they’re buying.”
Beth Colleton on Green Connections Radio, “Purpose” is in style right now, but how do you “do” purpose successfully, driving measurable value creation in a large company or organization? How do you create and lead sustainability efforts that make a difference? Listen to Beth Colleton, former SVP of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability at NBCUniversal (and formerly at the NFL) discuss the nuts and bolts of this work with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

Leading Global Change – Kathy Calvin, Pres./CEO UN Foundation

The Global Leadership Awards Dinner at Gotham Hall in New York, Wednesday, October 18, 2017. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for United Nations Foundation)

“We live at a time of unparalleled opportunity and progress… It’s the best time in the world’s history to be born female. That said, the challenges ahead are so much more tricky and complicated and complex….” Kathy Calvin, CEO on Green Connections Radio Women are the Front Line of Solutions to Global Challenges, Especially Climate… Continue reading Leading Global Change – Kathy Calvin, Pres./CEO UN Foundation

Facebook’s Energy Use – Bill Weihl, Sustainability Guru, Facebook

We use Facebook every day, multiple times a day – along with 2 billion other people! – so, have you ever thought about how much energy it takes to power all those servers and buildings? How much CO2 it emits? And, waste its 17,000+ employees create around the globe? Listen to this rare interview with… Continue reading Facebook’s Energy Use – Bill Weihl, Sustainability Guru, Facebook

Brand Citizenship – with Anne Bahr Thompson, Branding Guru, Author “Do Good”

“It’s all about the doing, not the claiming,” Anne Bahr Thompson on Green Connections Radio
What do you expect from the companies you buy from? A new ground-breaking study says we consumers care if companies “do good” and we buy accordingly. So, how do we leverage it? What does it mean for consumers and businesses? Listen to the study’s author, branding guru Anne Bahr Thompson, author of a new book expanding on the research called “Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel both Purpose and Profit, and a former top executive at Interbrand global communications firm. In this fascinating conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson, also a communications expert, they dive into the study’s findings and discuss…

Warning Lights Flashing – Michele Wucker, “The Gray Rhino” Author

Why do we miss potentially dangerous trends, “a series of warnings and visible evidence”? It might be climate change, water scarcity, an infrastructure that is falling apart beneath our feet, terrorist threats, or an approaching business competitor or trend we had ignored, for example. How do we train ourselves to seepotential dangers we’re missing early enough to address them? Listen to author and global business strategy leader Michele Wucker with Green Connections Radio.

Enviro-Social Investing – Christopher Cordaro, RegentAtlantic

“Change occurs when we vote with our wallets…We are in a revolution right now when we can use our portfolios to express our values and actually impact the policies that corporations are making.”
Christopher Cordaro on Green Connections Radio. One of the sure-bet investments over time has been energy stocks, mostly oil and gas, with companies like Exxon Mobil soaring. Yet, Hurricane Harvey and the reality of climate change have upset that long-held belief too. The hurricane brought Houston’s oil and gas hub to a halt for days or weeks. So, today we’re looking anew at how we can match our investment dollars with our values. Grab an iPad or pen and paper, because you’ll want to take notes on this one. Listen to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson’s tips-packed conversation with investing master, Christopher Cordaro, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of RegentAtlantic about how to do it.

Congress & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network

Due to COVID-19’s economic crisis, the energy sector has experienced the worst downturn since WWII, according to the head of the International Energy Agency.  And, we need to mitigate the impact of climate change. Yet, at a time when our lives literally depend upon energy for hospitals, essential services like grocery stores and pharmacies, and on emergency… Continue reading Congress & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network

NY Times Climate Journalism – Hannah Fairfield, NY Times Climate Editor

Why do news organizations choose certain climate stories? Are they promoting a position? What strategies do they use to make sure the facts are accurate? To combat bias? This episode will answer these questions and more, with a behind the scenes look at where those stories come from and how they come to be with a master: Listen to this fascinating, insightful conversation between Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson and Hannah Fairfield, the Climate Editor of the venerable New York Times. This is the story behind the stories.

New Portable Energy – Rita Hansen, OnBoard Dynamics

What if we had a way to get power to devastated areas quickly in an emergency, such as a natural disaster like a hurricane? Listen to host Joan Michelson’s fascinating conversation with Rita Hansen, CEO of OnBoard Dynamics about their new mobile natural gas-powered energy source that could provide that much-needed power at these critical… Continue reading New Portable Energy – Rita Hansen, OnBoard Dynamics

Water Science Lessons? Rita Colwell, Gulf Water Expert, fmr NSF Administrator

Stories abound about the potential contaminants in the water flooding Houston and its environs from Hurricane Harvey. But what might we learn from all that water? Perhaps we can learn something about it from the team that studied the Gulf of Mexico after the catastrophic BP Oil Spill. Dr. Rita Colwell, renowned microbiologist and oceanographer,… Continue reading Water Science Lessons? Rita Colwell, Gulf Water Expert, fmr NSF Administrator