Strategies for Women’s Rights – Brooke Kroeger, Professor, Author, ‘The Suffragents”

As we embark on a crucial presidential election this year, women voters are the largest single voting bloc, but, that right was a hard-fought battle until passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Brooke Kroeger, NYU. To commemorate it, listen to my fascinating interview with one of the foremost chroniclers of the suffrage movement, Brooke Kroeger, including lessons for today. She is an NYU journalism professor, author of several books, including “The Suffragents: How Women Used Men To Get The Vote,” creator of, and a former top journalist.  Including lessons for women today.

Funding For Women Entrepreneurs – Shelly Porges, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Billion Dollar Fund for Women

“Men are presumed to be capable and to have done their homework…questioned about potential… Women…(hear) challenging questions , like ‘Why are you qualified?’…(Yet), women-owned businesses return on average 63% higher rates of return than male-only founded teams.”
Shelly Porges on Green Connections Radio podcast – Listen for tips on what you can do be successful!

The Press, Climate & Diversity – Wanda Lloyd, Author of “Coming Full Circle: From Jim Crow to Journalism,” Former News Executive

“There are environmental issues that are very important to people on a local level…(but they are) being covered (by the local news media) based on everyday issues in local communities… because it affects tourism, it affects the economy, it affects a lot of things, not to mention the places that we live…(and) because it affects their taxes.”Wanda Lloyd on Green Connections Radio podcast – Wanda Smalls Lloyd former senior editor at USA Today and at local newspapers, and a former Washington Post executive, and the author of a new book – “Coming Full Circle: From Jim Crow to Journalism.” She provides valuable career advice to

Advancing Women in STEM – Telle Whitney, Diversity Expert, Founder, Largest Women in Tech Conference

“The companies that have really made a commitment to creating change, they look at the ways promotions are decided, because often it’s very ad hoc….and consciously or unconsciously, the managers, who are primarily men, just don’t see the characteristics (in women) that they believe you need in order to advance.” Telle Whitney on Green Connections Radio podcast. Pursuing a career in STEM requires investing many years in education and dedication, so why do women leave these fields so often? How can we attract, retain and promote more women in STEM into leadership? Listen to Telle Whitney, diversity expert, former long-time CEO of the Anita Borg Institute and founder of the famed Grace Hopper Conference in this insightful interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson. She provides valuable career advice too.

Sea-Level Rise “Detective” – Andrea Dutton, MacArthur “Genius” Winner 2019

“A lot of these times we see these problems as having binary solutions, it’s either we stay and defend…or we just pick up and leave, but there’s a lot of space in between.” Andrea Dutton on Green Connections Radio
Geologist Dr. Andrea Dutton was awarded the coveted MacArthur “Genius” award recently for her work in finding an innovative way to predict sea-level rise and identify the options for managing it. Listen to her explain her innovative approach – and how that approach might be used in other context too – to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson in this inspiring and fascinating interview.

TED Talk Speaker Tips – Tricia Brouk, Former TEDxLincolnSquare Producer, Speaker Coach, Film Producer

Being able to speak in public is crucial to career success in today’s world where the media is everywhere, cameras are everywhere, and you can end up on social media without knowing it.  Being a public speaker who moves people in a positive way can be a powerful career advantage too. But how? And how do you land those coveted opportunities to land on a TEDx stage?
Listen to Tricia Brouk, former long-time producer of TEDxLincolnCenter in New York City who used to approve or reject speaker pitches and who trains speakers to succeed today, in this remarkable interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson – and more career advice too.

Energy Innovation Needs Women – Katie Mehnert, Pink Petro

“Your biggest challenge is your biggest opportunity. Get people into the system so they can change the culture and the industry to clean energy” – Katie Mehnert on Green Connections Radio podcast.
At the 2020 World Economic Forum where global leaders across industry gather in Davos, Switzerland every January, climate change took “center stage,” as The New York Times headline put it. A key topic of debate was the conundrum of providing clean energy to everyone on the planet and it is abundantly clear much more rapid innovation is needed, including of the oil and gas sector. But how?
Listen to Katie Mehnert, who spent 20 years in the oil and gas sector and remains devoted to it, in this surprisingly candid interview on Green Connections Radio podcast with Joan Michelson. Katie passionately lays out the urgent need for the sector to innovate and why bringing more women into the industry is key. Katie left a job in Big Oil that she loved to start Pink Petro to get more women into energy industry leadership.

Functional Office Politics – Jennifer Wisdom, Psychologist, Author & Coach

We all have office politics to deal with, even if you own your company or work remotely. If you work with other people, office politics are there on some level. It’s how people deal with each other. Listen to psychologist, author and coach Jennifer Wisdom explain to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson how we can all understand our work relationships and how to manage them in this enlightening and practical interview.

How to Get More Women STEM Leaders  – Heather Metcalf, Assn. of Women in Science

“Research has repeatedly demonstrated that diverse teams, especially in leadership, outperform homogenous teams in innovation, research quality, decision-making, and complex thinking and bolster their organization’s financial success,” according to the new AWIS research. Yet, the statistics on women in leadership are pathetic, especially in STEM. Here are tips.

The Enthusiasm Gap Between Men & Women  – Kristin Haffert, Mine The Gap

We know that women and men are essentially recruited in the same amounts out of college, or in entry level jobs, yet only 6.6% of women are Fortune 500 CEO’s (as of 2019). Employers complain that women leave before they can be promoted, taking the employers’ investment in recruiting, training and developing their talent with them. Why are women leaving? It’s well, complicated. Listen here to learn what women are saying is missing at work and why they leave for another job.